
The postgraduate studies diploma award ceremony


On October 8, a ceremony of awarding national diplomas on postgraduate studies completion with the "Researcher. Teacher and Researcher" qualification was held in the Academic Council Meeting Room of Buryat State University.

In 2019, 42 people in 13 majors completed their postgraduate studies, with 5 citizens of Mongolia among them. 5 postgraduate fellows received diplomas with honors. The postgraduate fellows had successfully passed the state final certification procedure, the state exam, and had presented reports that summarized the results of their research qualification paper (a dissertation). Thus, they had successfully proved that their knowledge was compliant to the Federal State Educational Standard.

Rector of Dorji Banzarov Buryat State University, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Nikolai Moshkin delivered the diplomas, heartily congratulated the postgraduates and their research supervisors on their success, and wished them fruitful cooperation and further success in thesis defense.

Vice-rector for Research, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor Vyacheslav Khakhinov, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Pedagogical Institute Nina Dagbaeva, Doctor of Philology, Professor Polina Dashinimaeva, and Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Lilia Alexeeva addressed the postgraduate fellows with words of congratulation.

Elena Kaurova, Head of the International Relations Department, congratulated international postgraduates.

Bato Dorzhiev, a postgraduate fellow, Chairman of the Student Trade Union, on behalf of his organisation also expresses congratulations to the postgraduates and presented them with a big cake decorated with BSU logo as a gift.

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