History of the Facult
The establishment of the Faculty of Biology and Geography dates back to the foundation of the Buryat-Mongol Agriculture and Teachers Institute on February 10, 1932. Originally, it was a part of the Faculty of Science with two leading subdepartments of botany and chemistry. In 1936, the first biology teachers graduated from the Faculty. In 1942, the subdepartment of Geography was opened. In 1954-1956, the Faculty was called “the Faculty of Biology”. From 1957 until 1992 it bore the name “the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry”. In 1984 the subdepartment of Human and Animal Anatomy and Physiology was opened. In 1988 Biology, Chemistry and Medicine majors were supplemented with the major in Geography provided by the subdepartment of Geography. In 1993, a new subdepartment of Ecology was opened.
It 1995 the Buryat State University was established at the premises of the Buryat-Mongol Agriculture and Teachers Institute and Buryat Campus of Novosibirsk State University. In the same year, the subdepartment of Geology was created within the Faculty. In 1997, the Faculty of Chemistry developed to an independent division. In 1999, the Faculty of Medicine was founded. Our Faculty became known as the Faculty of Biology and Geography.
In 2001-2002 the doctoral program was designed and thus two dissertation defense board were put together for the following disciplines: “Ecology” and “Botany” in biological studies, “Geoegology”, “Physical geography, biogeography, soil geography, and geochemistry of landscapes”, “Economic and social geography” in geographical studies. In 2003 a new subdepartment of the Land Management and Cadaster was opened, offering Land Cadaster and Urban Cadaster majors. The Nature Management major was introduced in 2006.
Since 2015 it is the Faculty of Biology, Geography and Land Management.
Faculty of Biology, Geography and Land Management
The Faculty has 4 departments:
Bachelor's degree programs:
Master's degree programs:
Postgraduate study
Minor innovation organizations and scientific branches:
Contacts: 24 a Smolina str., main University building, Ulan-Ude, Republic of Buryatia, 670000, tel.: 21-15-93, E-mail: facultet_bgf@mail.ru