
BSU is one of the centres of botanical research of Siberia

On 11th of November, All-Russia teaching-conference with participation of foreign scientists «Flora of the Baikal region and adjacent territories» was opened for the fifth time in the Buryat State University. It was organized by the chair of botany of biology-geographical faculty of BSU.

The conference purpose: to attract Russian botanical community to decision of fundamental and applied problems of variety, structure and functioning of flora of the Baikal region and adjacent territories of Internal and Northern Asia, and to promulgate the results of botanical research.

Such prominent scientists, as the professor Ogureeva G.N. (Lomonosov Moscow State University), professor Sedelnikov V.P. (Central Siberian Botanical Garden of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk), academician Dugarzhav Ch. (Institute of Botany of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences), professor Gunin P.D. (A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Moscow) are expected to report, as well as other scientists from Buryatia and various places of Russia and Mongolia.

According to Sedelnikov V.P. «Recently, there was only one center of botanical research in Siberia, it was Tomsk. Later on some other centers were opened in Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Barnaul. This conference proves that Ulan-Ude and the Buryat State University have become another important center of botanical research…».

The conference will last three days, and will be completed on the 13th of November.

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